Among its goals as well
The Saudi Dental Technology Society aim to :
1- To hold conferences, seminars and workshops to discuss issues and developments relating to the speciality of the Society.
2- To conduct scientific research in the fields of dental biomaterials science, dental technology and related knowledge, to encourage the conduct of such research, to publish the results of such research and to exchange them with the relevant bodies.
3- To publish a journal or a periodical, or both, dedicated to the publication of research and studies related to the areas of specialisation of the Society.
4- Publishing brochures, educational publications and other means of health awareness in order to increase the level of knowledge and awareness in the Society field of specialisation.
5- Carrying out scientific trips and organising scientific and cultural competitions in the field of specialisation of the Association.
6-Providing education and training programmes in the Society field of specialisation.
7- Participation in local, regional and international exhibitions and seminars.
8-Invite relevant scholars, thinkers and specialists at national, regional and global levels to participate in the activities of the Society.
9-Participate in issuing rules and guides in the field of specialisation of the society.
10- To cooperate with the competent authorities in the evaluation of the professional academic qualifications and professional performance of practitioners in the field of dental technology.
11-Providing technical advice to various health authorities for evaluating health facilities for the purpose of accreditation.
12- Active participation in the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties in the society field of specialisation.