
Welcome to you in

Types of memberships

Membership of the Saudi Dental Technology Association, as follows:

1- Active membership:

To be an active member you Must fulfil the following requirements:

- Have a qualification related to the society activities.

- Pay the annual subscription fees.


- Right to vote and participate in the elections

- Attend the society activities.

- Have access to the society journals and articles.

- Benefit from the society collaborations with other nationals and international organisations.

- Receive discount on the training courses and workshops…


2- Non-active membership

This membership is for individuals who are interested in the activity of the association

but are not affiliated with its specialization.

The holder of this type of membership enjoys all benefits of an active member, except voting and running for the Board of Directors.


3- Membership of institutions and companies related to the association:

Any institution or company related to the association’s activity enjoys this type of membership and all the benefits of an active member, except voting and running for the board of directors or voting and have the right to attend seminars and exhibitions

Organized by the association.

The board of directors determines the subscription fee for this type of membership.

The institutions and companies holding this type of membership benefit from the following:

A- To be included in the list of companies and institutions supporting the association

mentioned in newsletters and magazines issued by the association.

B - companies and institutions have the right to state in their publications and advertisements that they are a member of the Saudi Society for Dental Technology.

C- Obtain copies of the Association's publications.

D- The company information will be included in the list of Dental laboratories and companies on the Society's website.

F- Access to the employment portal (posting job vacancies and accessing jobs related information’s).


4- Student membership

This membership is for students of scientific majors related to the association’s activities.

A student member has the benefits of an active member, except voting and running for the board of directors.


A- Discount on the annual subscription fees.

B - Career support and guidance in the area of ​​the association’s specialty and assistance in employment when possible.

C - Participation in student competitions held by the association.

D - Attending activities held by the association.

Membership expires

Membership in the Saudi Dental Technology Association ends in the following cases:

1- Withdrawal or death of the member.

2- Non-payment of the annual subscription.

3- Losing one of the membership conditions.

4- Carrying out any act or activity that results in harm to the association.

contact number



مجمع الأمير سلطان الطبي بالحوية، مدينة الطائف، المملكة العربية السعودية، ص.ب 888 الرمز البريدي 21974